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The Site Uses Two References -- Park City Neurofeedback and NeurOptimal@ Neurofeedback. What is the Difference?Park City Neurofeedback is our business entity, which includes our team members that will be serving you. NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback is the specific type of technology we use at Park City Neurofeedback. The NeurOptimal® technology is the most advanced neurofeedback on the market and is known as a dynamic neurofeedback system. This means that when the time arises to give your brain feedback information about its own functioning, the NeurOptimal® software works on the premise that the individual brain is its own expert and simply mirrors to the brain corrective information. This significantly differs from all other neurofeedback systems on the market known as linear systems. A linear system will force the brain into corrective states by introducing certain frequencies that alter brain function. A map of brain function is necessary before treatment can occur so the practitioner will know how to manipulate brain patterns. Our philosophy at Park City Neurofeedback is to let the brain do its own healing since its such an incredible and sensitive organ. NeurOptimal® technology allows the brain to do just that.
How Old do You Have to be for Neurofeedback? At What Age is it Safe?People of all ages find NeurOptimal® brain training to be a very relaxing yet heightening and enjoyable experience. Our youngest client was 8 weeks old (at time of treatment) and our oldest client is 74. We have also treated pregnant women at 38 weeks in their pregnancy. NeurOptimal® is a safe, reliable and non-invasive treatment for everyone.
What Happens in a NeurOptimal® Session?At the beginning of a NeurOptimal® session, we'll get to know each other through conversation and an in-depth review of the therapeutic role and power of neurofeedback. There will be time to answer questions and ensure a deep understanding is met between both client and practitioner. The next step is to hook up the device. The practitioner will place 5 small, round EEG sensors on the head and ears, followed by headphones. Once the session starts, a harmonic and pleasing music set will play for 33.5 minutes while the system simultanesouly monitors the brain's electrical activity in the cortical region. The rest is up to you. Most clients lay back and surrender to the experience while some choose to be more active by reading a book, working on emails, or expressing themselves artistically. Regardless of what your conscious mind is doing, the NeurOptimal® technology will be providing (mirroring to) the brain information to restore, reorganize, and center. Once the 33.5 minutes are over, the practitioner will take off the equipment and briefly ask you some follow up questions. The total session lasts between 45-50 minutes. Your first session will be slightly longer based on paperwork and detailed explanation of goals and complaints/symptoms, intentions, and answering questions so you feel complete with the experience.
Are there Peer-Reviewed Studies about Neurofeedback? Where Can I Find Research Papers and Articles?Neurofeedback is an evidence-based technology. This means that it is validated by research that has been conducted, peer-reviewed and published by reputable scientists and scientific organizations. Neurofeedback has a more than 50-year history of research both in North America and around the world. Scholarly literature in different areas and for various conditions suggests that neurofeedback should play a major therapeutic role in many difficult areas. As mentioned throughout our website, the specific type of neurofeedback technology we use at Park City Neurofeedback is NeurOptimal®, an advanced dynamic (non-linear) neurofeedback system. NeurOptimal® has 20 years on the market and over 4 million hours of use worldwide making it safe, reliable, and effective for all ages. Find research papers related to specific topics below: ADHD Addictive Disorders Anxiety Autism Cognitive Decline Cognitive Enhancement Concussions Depression & Anxiety Dissociative Disorders Epilepsy Medical Conditions Mental Retardation & Learning Disabilities Migraine Headaches Neurogenesis & Neuroplasticity Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Optimal Functioning & Peak Performance Pain Parkinson's Disease Performance & Memory Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Sleep & Insomnia-Related Substance Abuse & Addiction Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
Can I get Addicted to or Dependent on Neurofeedback?Some of our clients say that "brain training" with the dynamic neurofeedback technology is like "meditation on steroids." Unlike steroids though, you will come to a space of heightening, clarity, and restoration that feels enough for you. This is when you'll know its time to take a pause from our collaborative sessions together. For some people its after 10-20 sessions while others take time off after 5. You are very much in control of the decision and while you may look forward and be excited about "brain training," one never gets addicted.
Why is Dynamic Neurofeedback Referred to as "Brain Training"?"Our brain is a miraculous organ. It regulates thought, memory, judgement, personality, speech, and the interpretation (i.e. perception or misperception) of our external environments. It also regulates aspects of the body including temperature, blood pressure, movement, and activity of the internal organs to maintain the body's health. These functions are important because the brain is part of a grandeur network in the body called the central nervous system (CNS), which consists of brain and spinal cord. The CNS operates in two ways -- sympathetic neural response and parasympathetic neural response. When the brain interprets external reality as stressful or dangerous, your sympathetic nervous system activates and the many functions above are misused or abused in a "fight or flight" response. On the other hand, when the brain views reality as safe, the CNS stays in parasympathetic mode where healing, restoration, intention, and vitality at cellular levels occur. One of many reasons to begin "Brain Training" includes: • First - to know what it actually feels like to be in balance, and then • Second - to stay in the balanced state of efficient, resilient, and flexible functioning such that you are not only restoring your physiological health by maintaining parasympathetic function and health in all organ systems of the body but also revitalizing your spirit, cognition, and emotional bodies toward complete self-actualization. This is the foundational theory of why NeurOptimal® has so many positive outcomes on various conditions in the body (physical, cognitive, emotional, social, etc). Find out more here.
Can Neurofeedback be Done at Home?Yes! Due to COVID-19, clients requested brain training at home and we responded. We'll happily send one of our team your way for a small traveling fee (in Summit & Wasatch Counties).
Do you have Client Testimonials of NeurOptimal®?Yes! The video below is from NeurOptimal® clients from around the world. Testimonials from clients at Park City Neurofeedback are found on our Instagram page. Let's be friends there! If you are wondering how to manage a specific complaint or set of symptoms, then please be in touch with us here.
Who do I Contact to Schedule My Appointment?Yes! Come experience "brain training!" For information about booking an appointment at both our physical office space or us coming to your home, check out Make An Appointment.
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